Professor Paul Lemmens, a newly appointed judge at the ECHR, gave an Open Lecture at the National University of Laos, on the 22 February, on ‘’The European Court of Human Rights: Organisation, Role and Functions’’.
Representatives of the NUoL, law practitioners and experts from the EU Delegation, GIZ, LuxDev came together for the lecture and shared experiences and expertise on human rights issues and law enforcement in Lao.
The lecture was focused on a short introduction on human rights, their protection under the national and international law, as well as the functioning of the European Court of Human Rights. Judgment and decisions were invoked as case studies, bringing up the complex process of admissibility of a cause at the ECHR.
The aftermath discussion revolved around topics like the rule of law aspirations, democracy and specifics of the European democracy, the role of the ECHR in forging the international human rights law.
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